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Whether you need a truck or just helping hands to do the heavy lifting from one room to the next, our EXPRESS HAUL team has you covered!

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If you see something you would like to purchase on  Craigslist, OfferUp, or even Facebook Marketplace. This may be the solution for you!

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 Household Items, patio furniture, beds, mattress, couches

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Yard waste commonly referred to as "green waste" or "biological waste," is any vegetative or organic waste remaining from lawn and garden landscaping or natural disaster

Yard waste includes dry leaves, grass clippings, stalks, branches, twigs, mulch, tree trunks, Christmas trees, ordinary yard rubbish, and prunings from trees or plants.

average rating is 4 out of 5, based on 150 votes, Recommend it
Helping Hands
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For All

 Household Items, patio furniture, beds, mattress, couches

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